Skateboarding and Environmental Advocacy: Riders Making a Difference

Skateboarding has long been associated with counterculture, creativity, and rebellion. From its roots in the 1950s and 60s, when surfers sought a land-based alternative, to its current status as an Olympic sport, skateboarding has continually evolved.

Recently, this evolution has taken a significant turn as skateboarders increasingly align their passion for skating with environmental advocacy. Skateboarders around the world are using their platforms and communities to make a positive impact on the environment, proving that their influence extends far beyond the skatepark.

The Intersection of Skateboarding and Environmentalism

The connection between skateboarding and environmentalism may not seem immediately apparent. However, both share a common thread of challenging the status quo and fostering community. Skateboarding, by its very nature, encourages a deep connection with urban and natural landscapes. Skaters traverse streets, parks, and public spaces, often experiencing firsthand the effects of pollution, urban decay, and climate change. This proximity to the environment has inspired many skaters to become advocates for its protection.

One of the key aspects of skateboarding culture is its DIY (do-it-yourself) ethos. Skaters build ramps, maintain skate spots, and create their own gear. This resourcefulness and creativity are now being channeled into environmental advocacy efforts. Skaters are uniquely positioned to lead by example, promoting sustainable practices within their communities and the broader world.

Sustainable Skateboarding Brands

In recent years, several skateboarding brands have emerged with a focus on sustainability. These companies are committed to reducing their environmental footprint and promoting eco-friendly practices. By prioritizing sustainable materials, ethical manufacturing processes, and community engagement, these brands are setting a new standard in the industry.

One notable example is Bureo, a company that makes skateboards from recycled fishing nets. Founded by three surfers and environmentalists, Bureo aims to tackle the issue of ocean plastic pollution. Their boards, known as Minnows, are not only eco-friendly but also high-quality, proving that sustainability and performance can go hand in hand.

Another leading brand is Globe, which has taken significant steps towards sustainability. Globe’s line of skateboards features eco-friendly materials such as bamboo and upcycled wood, reducing the reliance on traditional hardwoods. Additionally, Globe has implemented a sustainable packaging initiative, using recycled materials and eliminating plastic waste.

Element Skateboards is also a pioneer in the realm of sustainable skateboarding. Their “Conscious by Nature” line uses sustainably sourced wood and water-based adhesives. Element’s commitment extends beyond their products, as they actively engage in environmental initiatives and support organizations dedicated to conservation and sustainability.

Community-Led Environmental Initiatives

Skateboarding communities worldwide are increasingly taking the lead in environmental advocacy. Local skate groups, non-profits, and grassroots organizations are mobilizing to address environmental issues, often through creative and impactful projects.

One prominent initiative is the Skatepark Project (formerly known as the Tony Hawk Foundation). While the organization primarily focuses on building skateparks in underserved communities, it also emphasizes sustainable construction practices. By using eco-friendly materials and designs that integrate with natural landscapes, the Skatepark Project ensures that their parks benefit both the community and the environment.

Skateistan, an international non-profit organization, combines skateboarding with education and community empowerment. Operating in countries such as Afghanistan, Cambodia, and South Africa, Skateistan incorporates environmental education into its programs. Through hands-on activities and lessons, children learn about sustainability, conservation, and the importance of protecting their environment.

In the United States, Skate After School is a non-profit that provides skateboarding programs to underserved youth in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to promoting physical activity and positive social interaction, Skate After School incorporates environmental stewardship into its curriculum. Participants engage in activities such as park cleanups and recycling initiatives, fostering a sense of responsibility and care for their surroundings.

Skater-Led Environmental Campaigns

Individual skateboarders are also making significant contributions to environmental advocacy. Many professional skaters use their influence and platforms to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire action.

Nyjah Huston, one of the most well-known skateboarders in the world, has been vocal about environmental conservation. Through his social media channels, Huston frequently highlights the importance of reducing plastic waste and protecting natural habitats. He has partnered with organizations such as the Surfrider Foundation to support beach cleanups and ocean conservation efforts.

Lizzie Armanto, a trailblazing female skateboarder, is another prominent advocate for sustainability. Armanto is an ambassador for Protect Our Winters (POW), a non-profit that mobilizes the outdoor sports community against climate change. Through her involvement with POW, Armanto promotes renewable energy, carbon reduction policies, and environmental education.

Bastien Salabanzi, a French professional skateboarder, has also leveraged his platform for environmental advocacy. Salabanzi collaborates with various environmental organizations to promote sustainable practices within the skateboarding community. His efforts include organizing park cleanups, advocating for eco-friendly products, and educating young skaters about environmental issues.

The Role of Social Media in Environmental Advocacy

Social media has played a crucial role in amplifying the voices of skateboarders and environmental advocates. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube provide a space for skaters to share their environmental initiatives, inspire their followers, and connect with like-minded individuals and organizations.

Hashtags such as #SkateAndClean and #EcoSkateboarding have gained traction, creating online communities dedicated to sustainability in skateboarding. These hashtags allow skaters to showcase their efforts, share tips for eco-friendly practices, and support each other in their advocacy work.

Skateboarding influencers and brands also use social media to promote sustainable products and initiatives. By featuring eco-friendly gear, highlighting sustainable practices, and partnering with environmental organizations, they help raise awareness and drive consumer demand for environmentally responsible products.

The Future of Skateboarding and Environmental Advocacy

The intersection of skateboarding and environmental advocacy is poised to grow even stronger in the coming years. As awareness of environmental issues continues to increase, more skaters and brands are likely to adopt sustainable practices and promote eco-friendly initiatives.

Technological advancements and innovation will also play a crucial role in the future of sustainable skateboarding. From the development of new eco-friendly materials to the creation of more efficient manufacturing processes, the industry is likely to see significant strides towards sustainability.

Moreover, the growing emphasis on community engagement and grassroots initiatives will ensure that environmental advocacy remains a core component of skateboarding culture. By fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship, skaters can continue to make a positive impact on the environment and inspire others to do the same.

Skateboarding Events and Environmental Awareness

One of the most effective ways skateboarders are raising environmental awareness is through events and competitions that emphasize sustainability. These events not only bring skaters together but also serve as platforms to educate participants and spectators about environmental issues.

The Vans Park Series, a renowned skateboarding competition, has taken steps to minimize its environmental impact. The series incorporates sustainable practices such as using solar-powered equipment, reducing waste, and promoting recycling at events. By integrating these practices, the Vans Park Series sets a positive example for other events and highlights the importance of environmental responsibility within the skateboarding community.

Go Skateboarding Day, an annual event celebrated worldwide has also embraced environmental advocacy. Many local chapters of this event include environmental cleanups as part of their activities. Skaters come together not only to celebrate their love for skateboarding but also to participate in efforts to clean and maintain their skate spots and surrounding areas. This dual focus on skating and environmental stewardship helps reinforce the message that skateboarding can be a force for positive change.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaborations between skateboarding brands, environmental organizations, and non-profits are becoming increasingly common. These partnerships leverage the strengths of each entity to create impactful initiatives that benefit both the skateboarding community and the environment.

For example, Element Skateboards has partnered with the National Forest Foundation to support reforestation efforts. Through their “Plant a Tree” program, a portion of sales from specific products goes towards planting trees in national forests. This collaboration not only helps restore natural habitats but also educates consumers about the importance of reforestation.

Such partnerships demonstrate the potential for skateboarding to drive environmental advocacy through collaborative efforts. By working together, skaters and environmental organizations can amplify their impact and reach a broader audience, fostering a more sustainable future for the sport and the planet.


Skateboarding and environmental advocacy may seem like an unlikely pairing, but they are united by a shared ethos of challenging norms and fostering community. Skateboarders around the world are using their passion and influence to drive positive change, demonstrating that the sport is not only about tricks and competition but also about making a difference.

From sustainable skateboarding brands to community-led initiatives and individual advocacy efforts, the skateboarding community is proving that it can be a powerful force for environmental conservation. As the movement continues to grow, skateboarders will play an increasingly important role in protecting our planet and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.